Our weekend getaways are ideal for anyone wanting a relaxing or romantic weekend cruise. Our Georgian Bay weekend getawas typically start Friday evening at 1600 (4pm), and ends Sunday at 1600 (4pm). COSMOS highly recommends our ‘All Inclusive Plan’ that includes all snacks and meals (2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners) and all non-alcohol beverages. Guests are surveyed in advance using our COSMOS Journey Planner to determine meal and beverage preferences.
In our standard weekend getaways cruise, guests are expected to prepare their own meals with their crew’s assistance known as our ‘Skipper Plan’.
The ‘All-Inclusive Plan’ includes the yacht, Captain and First Mate, all provisioning for the entire week or longer. Provisioning includes snacks, meals, and beverages (excludes alcohol beverages – guests can bring their own).
If your preference was to just kick back and relax and not have to do any meal or menu preparation and clean up, we do provide a ‘Cook Option’ whereby all your meals, snacks, and drinks are prepared for you along with clean up. In addition, with the reuslts from your completed Journey Planner, we provide a detailed menu plan for your review and approval prior to the departure date. Please see the Pricing page for more details on our ‘Cook Option’.
To celebrate a special occasion or for a romantic weekend getaway, simply contact COSMOS to reserve your All-Inclusive weekend getaway package!
For a sample itinerary, please see ITINERARY, or PRICING for the weekend getaway rates.
Note: The ‘Bareboat Plan’ is not offered for our Weekend Getaways cruise.